The Grand Glorious Standing Bouquet


When your love and message have no limits, this magnificent standing bouquet is the ultimate expression of grandeur. Featuring approximately 60 vibrant Gerberas, 24-30 elegant Roses, an abundance of colorful Chrysanthemums, and the delicate charm of Gypsophila, this bouquet is designed to make a bold and unforgettable statement. Perfect for any occasion where you want to stand out and leave a lasting impression.

What’s Included:

  • 60 Long Stem Gerberas in a mix of stunning colors
  • 24-30 Fresh Roses for an elegant touch
  • As many Chrysanthemum stems as needed for fullness and vibrance
  • Arranged by elite florists for a flawless presentation
  • Delivered with VIP service for a seamless experience

Make every occasion extraordinary with this show-stopping bouquet that’s as boundless as your emotions!

Important Order Information: This exquisite bouquet requires special preparation and delivery. Please place your order at least 48 hours in advance to ensure timely delivery.

This item: The Grand Glorious Standing Bouquet

Perfectionate & Customize Your Order With Gifts

It's already awesome. But how about adding some more love with our unique gifts?

1 × Handmade Wooden Box of Chocolates
Note: Actual chocolates used will vary depending on the season but it is always a mixed of high quality chocolates.
1 × Decorative Giant Pencil Made of Local Tree Trunk Wood
1 × A Teddy Bear
Note: Size approx. 30cm - Model and color may vary depending on season & stock availability.
1 × Bottle of Champagne (Non Alcoholic)
1 × Add A Bottle of Classy Red, White or Rosé Wine
1 × Add A Bottle of Premium Imported Gin (Alcoholic Drink)
1 × Add A Surprise Pamper Bag (1 Champagne + 1 Box of Ferrero Rocher Chocolates + 1 Perfume Set by UDV)
UDV perfume set will be based on available stock and adapted to "for men" or "for women" based on recipient gender.
1 × Add A Surprise Pamper Bag PLUS (1 Bottle of Wine + 1 Box of Ferrero Rocher Chocolates + 1 Premium Perfume from Mado)
Perfume is from one of these brands: Dior, Invictus, Lacoste, Azzaro or Dolce & Gabbana. Will be adapted to "for men" or "for women" based on recipient gender.

Sales & Delivery Terms

🌿 Locally Sourced, Fresh & Sustainable

At, we take pride in using only locally grown flowers, supporting our community of dedicated growers. Our blooms come partly from our private garden and from carefully vetted Mauritian growers who use minimal pesticides. As a 100% Mauritian company, every bouquet is handcrafted with care by our in-house expert florists or our trusted local florist partners, depending on the design you choose.

📸 Uniquely Crafted Bouquets

Each bouquet is a work of art, making it impossible to replicate exactly as shown in our website images. However, our florists always strive to maintain the essence and composition of the design. All photos on our website feature real, delivered bouquets but are for illustration purposes only.

🌸 Seasonal & Fresh Flower Substitutions

Due to seasonal availability, some flowers may be substituted with similar blooms or alternate colors while ensuring the bouquet retains its beauty and value.

🎀 Wrapping & Ribbon Variations

To keep your bouquet elegantly presented, wrapping and ribbon colors may vary based on stock availability. However, we always ensure they complement the bouquet beautifully and match the styles shown.

⏳ Order in Advance for Timely Delivery

To guarantee on-time delivery, please place your order at least 24 hours in advance. This helps us source the freshest flowers and prepare your arrangement with the utmost care.

Our Customer's Reviews

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