A Fresh Statement – Roses & Ferrero Choco Heart Bouquet


Delicately designed, this heart-shaped bouquet features 6 vibrant red roses forming the top of the heart, complemented by a beautiful mix of Chrysanthemums, Carnations, and Mini-Chrysanthemums. Perfectly crafted to express deep emotions, this bouquet is ideal for taking your relationship to the next level. Encapsulating romance and elegance, it’s a timeless gesture to say “I want to be yours.”

What It Signifies: Six roses are a subtle yet meaningful way to express your desire for a deeper connection, perfect for someone special in your life.

What’s Included:

  • 6 premium red roses for the upper heart design
  • A mix of seasonal Chrysanthemums, Carnations, and Mini-Chrysanthemums for the finishing touch
  • Arranged in a heart shape for a romantic presentation

Important Note:

  • Green Chrysanthemums and Carnations are seasonal and may be replaced with white, yellow, or pink Chrysanthemums based on availability.

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Sales & Delivery Terms

🌿 Locally Sourced, Fresh & Sustainable

At Floral.mu, we take pride in using only locally grown flowers, supporting our community of dedicated growers. Our blooms come partly from our private garden and from carefully vetted Mauritian growers who use minimal pesticides. As a 100% Mauritian company, every bouquet is handcrafted with care by our in-house expert florists or our trusted local florist partners, depending on the design you choose.

📸 Uniquely Crafted Bouquets

Each bouquet is a work of art, making it impossible to replicate exactly as shown in our website images. However, our florists always strive to maintain the essence and composition of the design. All photos on our website feature real, delivered bouquets but are for illustration purposes only.

🌸 Seasonal & Fresh Flower Substitutions

Due to seasonal availability, some flowers may be substituted with similar blooms or alternate colors while ensuring the bouquet retains its beauty and value.

🎀 Wrapping & Ribbon Variations

To keep your bouquet elegantly presented, wrapping and ribbon colors may vary based on stock availability. However, we always ensure they complement the bouquet beautifully and match the styles shown.

⏳ Order in Advance for Timely Delivery

To guarantee on-time delivery, please place your order at least 24 hours in advance. This helps us source the freshest flowers and prepare your arrangement with the utmost care.

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