Season Exotic Garden Glass Vase Bouquet

The Exotic Garden bouquet consists of an elegant arrangement of different colors of Chrysanthemums, Gerberas, Roses of the ongoing season and gypsophila in a beautiful vase all presented with wrapping & ribbon. No Exotic Garden bouquet looks similar as this bouquet uses the best picks and locally grown flowers of the season for an exotic arrangement. Water & floral supplements added to keep the flowers fresh for up to 7 days.

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Sales & Delivery Terms

1. Please note that we only uses locally grown flowers in our mission to support local growers. Our flowers are partly from our own private garden and also from other vetted growers from Mauritius who uses minimal amount of pesticides. We are a 100% Mauritian company and all bouquet are made either by our in house expert florists or our partnered professional local florists depending on design and bouquet chosen.

2. A bouquet being a work of art, cannot be replicated exactly as in the pictures used for illustration on this website. Our florists will however try their best to keep up the composition. Pictures used on this website are of our own delivered bouquets but they are used for illustration purposes only.

3. Flowers may be replaced with similar ones or alternative colors depending on availability and season.

4. Wrapping and ribbon color may vary depending on stock at time of purchase but is always either of the combinations shown on this page.

5. Please order at least 24 hours in advance to ensure on time delivery.